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6 Things to Keep in Mind When Handling Tenant Conflicts

Two people living under the same roof can be unpredictable at times. We’re talking about conflict. No matter how careful you are in screening tenants, making sure that you’re bringing in good ones, there will be times when you’ll have to deal with drama between them. 

Conflicts often happen because two tenants who have clashing personalities and lifestyles live in close proximity. As a landlord, how can you effectively deal with confrontations among your tenants or prevent them from the get-go? 

Here are six tips.

How to Mediate and Prevent Conflicts Between Your Tenants

1. Convey your expectations in the lease.

Include provisions in your lease that you expect all tenants to participate in maintaining a peaceful and safe rental environment. Mention that you do not tolerate behaviors such as being excessively loud (especially in common areas), making threats, and leaving the area in an unclean condition.

Related: Noisy Tenants and How Landlords Can Handle Noise Complaints from Neighbors

2. Take their concerns seriously and listen.

When a tenant approaches you to tell you that he has an issue with a fellow tenant, listen to the complaint. Let the tenant know that you are willing to help solve the conflict at hand. If you show a lack of concern, your tenant might take matters into his own hands.

3. Step in if the lease has been violated.

Sometimes, tenant conflicts are personal in nature. You should not involve yourself unless necessary. But when there is a lease violation or an illegal activity going on, you must step in. Before you take action, always gather enough information from the tenants in dispute as well as other tenants living in your property. Also, you may need to report to the authorities if there is imminent danger, such as the tenant using firearms to threaten the other tenant.

4. Keep a written record.

Many landlords do not make a habit out of documentation, which is why a situation becomes about “he said, she said.” Make sure that you have accurate facts. That is only possible if you document everything - your meetings and anything else that transpire.

5. Consider the possibility of moving neighbors.

Tenant conflicts can mean a loss of income if concerns do not get addressed. If neighboring tenants continue to fight, offer to move them so that they do not live closely together. This is just one way of avoiding income loss in case one of the two tenants feels that his concern has not been addressed.

6. Have a professional management team.

You may be living very far from your rental property. And because of that, you’re not able to maintain the rental and keep an eye on tension. That said, consider hiring a property management team to help keep the peace between tenants and their neighbors.

Final Thoughts

Tenants who do not get along cause tension within the property. Their conflict can affect others living with them. It also affects your income as a landlord. Keep on screening potential tenants rigorously to lessen your chances of getting low-quality tenants.

If ever conflicts arise between good tenants, follow the tips above. You may have to consider an eviction if verbal and physical harassment happens. Sometimes, ending someone’s tenancy is best for everyone’s peace. 

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