Landlord Blog

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Landlord Tip: Here's a powerful lease clause to help you carry out an inspection of the rental unit

Lease Clause: Property Inspections/Right to Entry

As a landlord, you have the right to enter your rental unit to carry out a property inspection. You need to include an inspection clause where you indicate that you have the permission to enter the premises. You can state the inspection days and times as well as the reasons for doing the inspection. 

Here is a list of reasons why property inspections are important:

  • To detect areas that need maintenance or repair before they become worse. 
  • To check whether your tenant/s is/are conducting prohibited activities in your rental unit or have failed to follow the rules in your agreement (for example, a tenant brings pets you have no knowledge of or has/have drug-related activities)
  • To show the property to potential buyers or future prospective tenants before the current tenant/s is/are expected to vacate. 

Never miss including this lease clause. You can state in your lease, "The landlord reserves the right to enter the property to conduct routine inspections." Discuss this with your tenants before they sign the lease. Let the tenants know that they need to be present during the inspection. 

Make sure to give your tenants a notice prior to every routine inspection. Always be courteous and respectful! 

To gain more knowledge and tips on this topic, we invite you to sign-up for our Landlord Prep: Video E-Course and How-To Tutorials. This will also grant you access to the complete DIY landlording course and landlord forms/templates so you can stay knowledgeable and confident as a landlord.